What is Operating System?

Introduction to Operating System

Among all the software developed for computers, the most important ones are the operating systems. Different types of operating software are available in the market. This post gives an introduction to operating software. When we turn on the computer we see some messages about the different parts of a computer, such as the type of processor, the amount of memory, the type of hard disk, etc. This is done by the instructions stored in a small chip inside the computer by its manufacturer. This chip is called ROM-BIOS (Read Only Memory - Basic Input/ Output System). This operation of checking the parts of computer is called POST (Power On Self Test). After POST computer starts loading operating system and the process is called botting.

The pic is of different operating systems:

 Operating System
 The master software responsible for managing and coordinating a// the operations of a computer is called the Operating System (OS).

The Operating System that are already in use
There are different operating systems available in the market which have been developed by different companies. some other popular OS are: Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS, UNIX, and other versions of Linux like, Redhat, Ubuntu, Application Hardware openSUSE•

Things that Operating System Do 

An Operating System: 

It Manages the hardware components of a computer. coordinates the operation of different parts of a computer. loads programs and helps them to execute. accepts input commands and executes them. Uses of an Operating System We use an Operating System to: Create a Working Environment. An Operating System provides a working environment for a computer. We can modify things like color, prompt, background, etc. to suit our tastes. Display and Set Correct Date and Time. An Operating System provides date and time. We can use the operating system to display them. We can also set the correct date and time with the help of OS. Once set, the date and time gets automatically updated. Manage Files: Data in computer are stored in the form of files. An Operating System can be used to manage various aspects of each and every file that is used and stored in a computer. Some of the ways in which files are managed include: preparing a disk (formatting and partitioning) checking a disk for errors and free space naming a disk creating/ removing directories or folders copying or moving files .

Do you know that What is an interface
On the basis of appearance or mode of use we can classify Operating System symbol are thc ott:er software) into two broad categories.

GUI Based Interface 
GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. Graphics mean pictures. So computer interface that uses graphics to interact with the user is known as GUI based simply These software use different graphical components (icons, pointers, window etc.) are sin with users. It let user to easily use the some have to memorize long commands. For example: MS-Windows, Mac OS,

Here is the introduction of some famous GUI based operating system.

GNU / Linux
GNU / Linux is the UNIX based operating system. It was created by Linus Trovalds with the help of developers around the world, in 1991 AD. It developed in such a way that the source code is freely available to the It is developed under the GNU General Public License.

Linux operating system
Linux operating system can be installed in the different types of machine ranging form mobile phones, ordinary PC's, video game consoles to mainframes and supercomputers. This OS is freely available and there is no restriction for modification and re-distribution.

Mac OS
Mac is one of the GUI based operating systems developed by Apple Inc. for Macintosh computers. At first Mac OS was introduced as unnamed system software with Macintosh computers simply as the System software. Only after this it was named as Mac OS. This OS is mainly famous for graphical work. It is popularly used in the field of graphic designing and animation. It has tw families which can be classified as: Mac OS Classics and Mac OS X MS-Windows : MS-Windows is next popular operating system.

The pic shown below is an GUI based Interface 

CUI Based Interface
CUI stands for Character User Interface. Characters are the letters or the symbols and special characters on the keyboard. That is why the CUI based software are those that use commands (specific arrangement of words and letters to make computer do particular task) to communicate with computer. This type of software simply let user to type commands and does as instructed. These types of softwares are single tasking. For example: MS-DOS, UNIX etc. 

Some of the CUI based operating system are discussed as follows:

MS-DOS stands for Microsoft Disk Operating System. It was developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is called disk operating system because it could be operated simply making use of floppy disk. MS-DOS is a single-user and single task operating system. That means only a user can use it and at a time only a single task can be carried out. Unlike GUI, user has to type commands using keyboard and memorize commands. So it is little bit difficult to use. 

Unix is a operating system developed by AT&T employees at Bell La. The developers include Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kemighan, Douglas McIlroy and Joe Ossanna. Unix and C programming language both were distributed to government and academic institutions and used in variety of machines than any other OS. As a result, it was termed as open systems. UNIX is mostly used in servers, it can be used in desktop pc though. 

There are other Unix like OSe Among them the most popular is GNU/Linux developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991. Here GNU stands for GNU is Not Unix and Linux means Unix like OS developed by Linus Torvalds. Linux has both CUI and GUI version's available for both server and PC.

The pic shown below is a CUI Based interface


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