Do you know what was the history of computer?

Do you know that what was the history of computer if you all want yo know then read the article written below.

History of Computer


Simple mechanical calculating machine is upgraded at different times by different persons to bring the computers in today's stage. Many philosophers, scientists, mathematicians, engineers and computer experts have contributed for the advancement of the simple mechanical calculators to electronic computers. The main stages or eras of computer development are:
  1. Mechanical calculating devices 
  2. Mechanical calculators with storage concept 
  3. Electro-mechanical devices 
  4. Electronic devices 
Mechanical Calculating Devices

The simple mechanical devices that can be used for calculation are kept in this category. Some of the mechanical calculators are discussed below.


Abacus is considered as the first Deck calculating device. It was used by Chinese, Russian and Europeans in the past. Its exact origin is still unknown.  It was developed before the existence of Hindu-Arabic number system. 
It has a frame with two sections with a number of beads. Upper section is known as the heaven and lower section is known as the earth. 

Napier's Bone 
A Scottish mathematician John Napier developed the Napier's Bone in 1619 AD. It has 11 rods with numbers from O to 9 in each of them. Wood or bones were used to make -the Napier's Bone. Those rods are used to calculate the product and quotients.

Slide Rule
An English mathematician William Oughtred developed Slide Rule in 1620 AD. It is a mechanical analog calculator. It contains calibrated strips like rulers. One slides over others and used for multiplication, division, finding roots, etc.

A French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal invented Pascaline in 1642 AD. It was made by combining toothed wheels, gears and dials. It was mainly used for addition and subtraction. But it was capable of finding product and quotient using repetitive addition and subtraction.

Difference Engine and Analytical Engine 

An English Mathematician, Charles Babbage invented Difference Ingle in 1822 AD. It was used to generate tables and solve algebraic problems.
Later in 1833 he forwarded a proposal to upgrade difference engine to Analytical Engine with its features like:

  1. punched card as storage devices 
  2. Mill for processing 
  3. Automatic printing 
  4. Input system 
These four features became very popular. Because of these contributions Charles Babbage is known as the father of computer.

Electro-Mechanical Devices 
Electro-Mechanical Devices contain electrical parts and mechanical parts as well. It helps to automate the some functions of the machine. Mark 1 is an example of electro-mechanical computer.

Mark-I was developed by Howard Aiken with the assistance of IBM in between 1937 to 1944 AD. It was the first electro-mechanical computer. Some of the tasks were automatic in this computer. It was used to perform arithmetic and logical calculations. Its size was very big. There were more than 18000 vacuum tubes used in this computer. It was producing lots of heat consuming huge amount of electricity.

Electronic Devices 
Most of the computers developed after Mark-I were electronic computers. More number of electrical and electronic parts were used. The size and the amount of head production were reduced. Some of the electronic devices are discussed below.

ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer) 
It is the first digital computer developed by Dr. John Atanasoff in 1937 to 1942 AD. Main components used in this computer were vacuum tubes. It was used to solve the simultaneous linear equations. Military was involved in its development.

ENICA (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) is developed by John Willium Mauchly and J.P.Eckert at Cambridge University in 1949 AD. It was the first general purpose computer.

Some of the great developers of computers are

Charles Babbage 

Charles Babbage is also considered as "Father Of Computer"
Charles Babbage is an English Mathematician at Cambridge University. He invited Difference Engine and Analytical Engine.Very useful Features like input, CPU, output, memory were introduce in his invention.

Lady Augusta Ada Lovelance 
She is the first computer programmer. She had suites the functioning of Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine in detail.She helped Charles Babbage and wrote the first computer program.

Dr. Herman Hollerith
He was a census statistician at US census bureau. He used the punched card to store data. It helped to process and finalize the census report very fast. He had his own Computing Tabulating Recording Company. The same company became IBM later.

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